Increase Customer Sales With Responsive Web Design

Okay, so you have a website and you can see that you are getting a lot of traffic to your website. But how many of those visitors can really use your website? How many of those visitors were possible customers but found it too difficult to view your website? 
Consider this; 
In Ireland, 70% of Irish consumers own a smart phone.
In 2011, smart phones accounted for 6% of website traffic, in 2012 it was 20%
In 2013 smart phones will outsell computers.

Times are a changing.
One can see that nearly half the traffic to this website was through Mobile. Changes are, if you website was built in the last two years, and then it was built and tested for use on a computer screen. But now, more and more people use mobile devices like Iphones and Androids to view sites. In order to view the website on the mobile device, the device will try to scale the webpage down and you need to pinch and zoom each page, zoom in here, zoom out there so you can view the web page. Imagine trying to buy a product on a website like this, pinching and zooming on the product pages, then the login page, next the shipping pages, payment pages and then the checkout. Exhausting.

Enter Responsive Design
With Responsive web design, the layout that best suits the device is shown on the screen. The menus, images and content can be reshaped to display in a friendly manner that fits the screen, so no pinching and zooming, no long download times waiting for a massive image to open. So how does it work? Well, back in the day, when you were designing a web page, it would be viewed on a desktop computer or laptop so you could use fixed widths or Adaptive Layouts. With Responsive design, that changed to Fluid layouts. With Fluid layouts, a responsive website design uses CSS3 “media queries” to figure out what the resolution of device that your customer is using to view the site. Then flexible images and fluid grids are used to correctly fit the screen. As an example, if you look at the web design in Galway know try making your browser window smaller. The images and content column will shrink, then the left sidebar will disappear altogether.

To the future

With the constant growth in mobile devices, tablets and Smart TV, the traditional desktop system is no-longer the only device that a website will be viewed from. As a company, you need a web design that will cater for all customers, display your business information in the simplest form for your customer to understand. While responsive design is not a silver bullet, it will make life easier for your customers. By providing a design that can offer solutions to a wider range of users, on a wider range of devices will increase the changes of making a sell. A website can be designed to suit a desktop computer just as well for as it can for the majority of people on the latest gadgets around.

If you are considering a Web Design, then why not contact Web Design Galway

About the Author:
Nidhi Shrivastava is writing for Web Design In Galway . It is one of the best companies in Galway that you can contact in order to create the website your company needs. Best Web Design In Galway . The company provides professional Web Design Galway , Ecommerce and CMS systems as well as branding and graphic design solutions for the private and public sector.


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